Layout Group


Layout Group

Reading Time:




October 2, 2023

Group motion components that should perform layout animations together.

By default, motion components with a layout prop will attempt to detect and animate layout changes every time they commit a React render.

It might be the case that components in different trees affect each other's layout.

function ToggleContent({ header, content }) {
  const [isOpen, setIsOpen] = useState(false)
  return (
      onClick={() => setIsOpen(!isOpen)}
      <motion.h2 layout>{header}</motion.h2>
      {isOpen ? content : null}

function App() {
  return (
      <ToggleContent />
      <ToggleContent />

When the state of one of these ToggleContent components changes, its sibling won't rerender, so it won't perform a layout animation.

This can be fixed by grouping both components with LayoutGroup:

import { LayoutGroup } from "framer-motion"

function App() {
  return (
      <ToggleContent />
      <ToggleContent />

Now, whenever one layout component within LayoutGroup detects and animates layout changes, they all do.

Namespace layoutId

Components expecting to perform shared layout animations are provided a layoutId prop.

function Tab({ label, isSelected }) {
  return (
        ? <motion.div layoutId="underline" />
        : null}

function TabRow({ items }) {
  return => <Tab {...item} />)

layoutId is global, so if multiple instances of TabRow are rendered, only one with layoutId="underline" will render at a time.

To fix this, LayoutGroup can be provided an id prop that namespaces the layoutId for all components within it.

function App() {
  return (
    <LayoutGroup id="top5">
      <TabRow />
    <LayoutGroup id="latest">
      <TabRow />


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